Book Online
Please note that you do NOT have an appointment until you have been contacted by a member of our team. You are requesting a time by using our online booking service and will contacted by a member of our staff in a timely manner.
Please take the time to understand the fees associated with our service before requesting an appointment.
All appointments are performed on-site and have a trip fee & diagnostic fee that is non-refundable. The trip fee must be paid before a technician will travel to your location. If you have warranty or insurance coverage, they may reimburse you for this fee.
Once the diagnostic has been performed an estimate will be provided for your approval. No work will be completed until this estimate has been accepted and our technician is given the authorization to complete the repair. Any repairs that will take longer than 15 minutes to complete will be charged for a full hour of labor.
Trip Fee
Our trip fee covers up to 25 miles and covers the cost of fuel, maintenance, and insurance on our vehicles.
Diagnostic Fee
Our diagnostic fee covers up to one hour for the technician to ascertain the cause of concern(s).
Labor Rate
All labor is sold in 1 hour increments and billed at the 15 minute mark.
- 99 US dollars